View Full Version : What is Hospice?

16-08-2022, 05:08 PM
Hospice is a type of healthcare that provides terminally ill patients and their families with the comfort and care they need during the last months, weeks, or days of a person's life. Hospice care can help patients live as comfortably and comfortably as possible during their final days and can provide support for both the patient and the family members who are caring for them.

Hospice is not just for people who are dying - it's also available to people who are living with a chronic illness or injury that limits their ability to live independently. Hospice services can help these patients remain in their homes, where they feel comfortable and safe, while receiving the care they need.

As a hospice patient or family member, you'll likely experience many positive changes during your time in hospice care. These changes may include feeling more relaxed, more at peace, and less stressed out about your health or death. Hospice care can be an incredibly healing experience, which is why it's often recommended to those who are suffering from a serious illness or injury. If you're considering hospice as an option for your loved one, please don't hesitate to contact us for more information.