View Full Version : What's the difference between palliative and hospice?

11-05-2024, 03:29 PM
Palliative care and hospice care are both essential forms of medical care that focus on improving the quality of life for patients facing serious illnesses. The main difference between palliative care and hospice care lies in their goals and timing. Palliative care can be provided at any stage of a serious illness, alongside curative treatments, to manage symptoms and improve the patient's comfort. On the other hand, hospice care is typically provided when curative treatments are no longer effective or desired, and the focus shifts to providing comfort and support for patients in their final stages of life. While both types of care aim to provide relief from physical, emotional, and spiritual distress, hospice care is specifically tailored for individuals with a prognosis of six months or less to live. It's important to consult with healthcare professionals to determine the most appropriate care plan based on individual needs and circumstances. If you have any other questions about hospice care, don't hesitate to contact us. sienahospice.com

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