Everybody would like to have white teeth and get rid of those stains and discolorations, but few people know just how easy it is. You can go to a dentist and get a major cleaning done, but first try out these teeth whitening tips. They might save you a lot of time and money in teeth whitening.
Teeth Whitening Strips
If you’d like to try a product that is cheap, easy and guarantees results, try teeth whitening strips. These are simply strips that you apply to the teeth and wear for about 30 minutes. Usually, you are supposed to do it twice a day for a week or ten days. Each brand has slightly different instructions.
People who have tried strips have often gotten the results they wanted without having to do anything more complicated than that. Results vary from person to person, but the result can be just as dramatic as a dental teeth whitening job.
Toothpaste is an inexpensive teeth whitening product on the market offering individuals the ability to remove surface stains. But these products do not contain any type of bleaching agent and will not be able to remove stains below the surface of the enamel.
Teeth whitening gels also use peroxide as the bleaching agent. With gels, you brush the gel onto your teeth twice per day for 14 days. This will also work for around 4 months.
These gels are available in easy-to-use syringes (allowing up to 10 applications per syringe) or bulk tubes (allowing up to 120 applications).
You can also get best results by High concentration gel method, Low concentration gel method…
Don’t Forget Regular Dental Care
Orange peels and hydrogen peroxide are all good and fun, but don’t forget to keep up your regular tooth maintenance. This means brushing after every meal and before bed, flossing twice a day, and making appointments with the dentist for regular check-ups and teeth cleaning. We often forget these things and let them slide, but sometimes the reason your smile is turning a dull yellow is just that you’ve forgotten these little things.
A bright, white smile is something most people dream about, but you don’t have to. With a little effort and routine maintenance, anybody can have a wonderful smile.
Note: Author of this blog post belongs to the panel of experts from medical fraternity. This blog post is the collective effort from all such experts.